The Bachelor party is a time honored tradition, that dates back to centuries past. Just as most girls imagine their wedding day from playing with their Barbies. Most men have been imagining their bachelor party since their first glimpse at a Playboy magazine. Kitty Cat Now Las Vegas is esteemed at creating the perfect night that is sure to be the epitome of your boy hood fantasies. We frequently hear from guys who think the more strippers they hire the better. Yet we try to follow a simple rule as not to over saturate your bachelor party. In our experience it’s best to follow certain ratios when booking your bachelor party in order to give you the biggest bang for your stripper buck! Therefore, ensuring it’s an enjoyable experience for all! Sometimes more is not always better. Ten to fifteen guys is typically the average party where 2 Girls is the perfect amount. Quality over quantity enjoying yourself with 2 to 3 hot strippers and the pleasure will last far longer than you initially thought. You’ll easily find that you’ll get far more out of your night. The dancers will be grateful and happy therefore much more eager to please you even more to keep those dollars flowing! Give Kitty Cat Now Las Vegas a call today to make your fantasy Bachelor Party a reality.